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07 April 2006

Feedback on Date #2 (AKA: IJL hasn't bothered to arrange another date yet)

After date #2, IJL called to obtain feedback on C; even though it was my second date, this was my first feedback call. I'm not really surprised that they didn't ask me about H, date #1; go back and read "Dumas and Diarrhea" if it surprises you. I suspect that every woman who had the misfortune to be set up with him has already said everything there is to say.

My feedback conversation was with yet another IJL staffer. So now I have someone who interviewed me (and then vanished); someone who calls to tell me about a new date and set up a time to meet him (or, more correctly, doesn't); and a third someone who takes my feedback. It's nice to have three people working for me, but I could also look at it as a complete lack of continuity. Given that they can't even organize my dates properly, what do you think the odds are that they are pulling all of this information together into a full analysis for each client? I'd wager it's about the odds of getting struck by lightning in my lifetime (is anyone else surprised that they are 1 in 3000? I might be giving IJL too much credit.).

Anyway, I don't think I did very well with the feedback on C. If you read that post, you would see that there wasn't anything WRONG with him, exactly. IJL: "So, did you find him attractive?" Me: "Well, no, not really, umm..." (not mentioning the eye, not mentioning the eye). IJL: "What did you find unattractive about him?" This is where I fumbled -- I really wanted to say that he was geeky (steering clear of the eye...did I mention the eye?). But I couldn't bring myself to say that, so I tried to dance around it. "Err...I guess, I mean, maybe he wasn't enough of a guy?" She latched onto that. "OK then, you want someone more manly." Me: "Umm...ok sure." IJL: "More of a guy's guy." Me: Oh fuck. Is that really what I ...I don't even like sports, really. "Right, exactly!" IJL: " And did you and C have anything in common that appealed to you?" Me: "Well, yes, he likes to travel. Though I guess he hasn't really traveled yet, he's just looking forward to it..." IJL: "So you want someone who has already traveled? More worldly, maybe?"

Then I just gave up. It's hard, when my company's director of finance is in the office next door, and we are separated only by paper-thin walls. I always know when his daughter is sick; how long will it take him to figure out what I'm talking about, and how embarrassing is that?

So this is where we end up for date #3. More manly, a "guy's guy." More worldly. Does anyone want to hazard a guess as to who I might encounter on my next date? On the positive end of the spectrum, he could be an Olympian. On the opposing, less desirable end, he could be a wife beater who was dragged from country to country in his childhood because his father was in the military. And yeah, he really resents that. Never had a chance to make friends because they never settled down, so he had to make his own friends. That's how he got to know Harvey, the giant rabbit who whispers homicidal suggestions in his ear...well. If you don't hear from me soon, you'll know what happened.


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